There is no bad weather; only inappropriate attire!

The closest weather office to our home is
Pitt Meadows
click HERE for more details


Our Easter Party is an outdoor event, and our 'backyard' is untamed. Bring waterproof, warm clothing and footwear.

Please read through this information to make your visit more comfortable and safe for both yourself and children while visiting our home during the Easter Party.

We live on a hillside, and clouds often form and shed rain on a day where the rest of the lower mainland is enjoying a sunny day.

If a realtor were describing our backyard, they might call it 'rustic' - we rely on a bonfire to provide heat, and an open shelter to provide cover from the elements.

We will provide: Easter baskets for the kids to collect eggs.
You might consider bringing: A positive attitude about the weather, Lawn chair, Adult refreshments, Camping blanket, Rubber boots, Hat, Gloves, Camera,

Animals: We have lots of animals, so you don't bring yours. Our menagerie includes 1 Llama, 2 Ducks, 1 Guinea, 50 Hens, 2 Dogs, 2 cats.  Wild animals include pheasants, ducks, squirrels, eagles and hawks, coyotes, racoons, black bear and deer.  click here to check out our "Chicken-Toe Acres" website

Avian Flu - Our chickens cheated death - all were healthy, and the government folks decided not to track the disease into our coops - how nice. Our chickens are happy and healthy and no bio-security measures are in force. All we ask is that everyone stay out of the bird runs and barns.

Animal WARNING: We'll be happy to provide introductions to all of the animals - both kids and adults will learn the personalities and special considerations each animal needs to ensure a happy experience with our outside friends. PLEASE ENSURE you avoid entering any fenced area unless you are under the guidance of a "resident" guide.

The lay of the land: Our 'backyard' is 9.5 acres of mixed woodland and fields on a gentle hillside. The property has two small chicken coops with fenced chicken runs, the llama hangs out in the lower field, and the dogs and duck are in an adjacent fenced field. The cats hang out in and arouind the house, and wild birds abound (as far away from the cats as possible).

There is a small brook that winds its way from the top of the property that connects a few small ponds. Bridges provide easy crossing of the brook and wetlands as you walk through the westcoast rainforest.

ATV and walking trails will allow private walks through a growth of Alder, Cedar and Holly trees. Blackberry, Salmonberry, Huckleberry and Rhododendron bushes dot the landscape.

You are encouraged to explore the whole backyard using the network of trails the wind their way around and through the property. If you need to enter the residence or out-buildings, ensure you are under the guidance of a "resident" guide.

Our Bar-B-Que Area: An open-air timber structure measuring 36'x16' is adjacent a firepit, gravel lawn chair area and small fish pond. If conditions are right, we'll have a nice warm fire. We have a small Bar-B-Que, coolers, billiards table and a fridge.

 Other Amenities: If your legs are shaky, or you have a bunch of stuff in your trunk that you want hauled out to the back, or if your kid is dying to have a ride in an 'All-Terrain-Vehicle", we have a Kawasaki Mule that acts as 'strong legs' and holds many 'arm loads' of stuff.

We have a sturdy, padded, net-surrounded trampoline - with adult supervision of ONE person on it at any one time, everyone loves to take a bounce.

In the 'backyard' there are many, many quiet places to sit, walk, stand, reflect, listen, talk, and just 'be'. Slip away from the group when you have an opportunity and take some time for yourself.

One thing we don't have around the property are waste baskets - If you see someone that should make the effort to find one, remind them how much more beautiful the natural 'backyard' is when there isn't any litter interrupting the beauty.

Death Darts: This game of skill (and chance) is a Cariboo-developed red-neck form of darts that has its roots in 'lawn darts'. The game is called DEATH darts - not because we felt the word 'darts' needed an adjective, it was because the darts could be deadly if precautions are not taken while a game is being played. Observe the "caution" signs near the Death Darts pitch, and keep EVERYONE well back from the action.

Water: The sound of water cascading over rocks and falling in small waterfalls as it finds its way across the property is a cleansing, refreshing addition to the ambience of the backyard. Water ponds reflect the trees above them like a huge mirror in the forest. The gentle sound and calmness of the surface may lull the unwary into forgetting that the edges of the ponds can be slippery, and make exiting the water from an unexpected slip into the icy-cold water difficult or dangerous. Please ensure your kids are supervised when near any of the ponds, or near the slippery stones in the wetlands along the brook.